Monday 21 December 2009


Bet you've been wondering where i was... perhaps not.

Anyways, everything worked out with the grading and i passed on the 13th December. I'm now a Il Dan Green Stripe Black Belt. Which is so cool. And i'm really looking forward to this level. The pattern is wicked!

On other notes, i have no christmas presents... well white lie... i have one... that i didn't buy. Money has been tight and i have no job.

But i'm not giving up hope, even if there are only 3 days til christmas.

Clare x

PS I started writing a book

Friday 20 November 2009


What actually happened was it was clamped. They came around today to tow it and then knocked on our door. They asked if we were friendly with our neighbour and we said yeah! He said well tell him that we should never have clamped the car because it was on private property.

So the car is still there.

Thursday 19 November 2009

Mulled Wine, Lost Sheep and Facebook Requests

I'll start in reverse order.

To cut my ranting short, i got a facebook request from someone i haven't spoken to civily in 2 years and i haven't spoken to them at all in over 12 months. So the gall of them and their arrogance truely knows no bounds. I'd love to believe that it can be fixed by God one day. But today is not that day.

In other news, i had my church home group today. It was amazing, i did the talk and i got so much from it. It was on "The lost sheep" a parable told by Jesus in Gospels Luke and Matthew. It was great. :)

Any who... i tried out my mulled wine today. And guinea pigged my bro into testing it. He said, and i quote, "You took a rubbish sainsbury's wine and made it taste good". WOW! From my brother... how cool is that!?

The recipe was under Gluhwein - the german form of mulled wine, which i think it originally comes from.

I used:
Cheap Red Wine
Juice of 1 orange
Juice of 1 Lemon
2 Cinamon Stick
half a handful of whole cloves
and i chopped an apple and put that in there for texture and cos mulled wine soaked apple chunks are amazing

It felt sooooo christmassy. Mulled wine is the ultimate christmas smell to me. :)

Clare x

Ian's Car got towed and Twilight DVD

Is it so much to ask that i actually get to watch a film that i chose for the family to purchase?

Apparently not!

Mom said the girl at work wanted to borrow it. Conveniently in the space of three days after me taking it from mother's room to watch it. :(

In other news the god forsaken, abandoned junk of a citreon that once was owned by my cousin, now owned by the dvla, has a £260 fine on it and is to be towed in the extreme near future. Good riddens. It's not worth £60 so no one will pay the fine and it finally puts to rest the argument of who owns itand who's responsible for it.


Clare x

Wednesday 18 November 2009

New Me

I've just spent an hour and fourty-five minutes round my neighbours house.

She asked me about three weeks ago about joining a health and beauty company called Forever.

They produce and sell healthy natural products for anything from joints to weight loss and looking good to feeling great. It's like an avon or body shop party sort of thing. But i think it's better. So i finally got over my fear and popped round.

We talked about the DVD she'd given me about the products, she even had me try some, on my knee for joint pain. And even as i was sitting there it was working. It was amazing. She's coming around on friday with her line manager to talk some more and hopefully arrange a launch party. I'm really nervous but really excited because it means i get to use them too, and help people.

Clare x

Monday 16 November 2009

What Do I Want?

This is a huge question.

Everyone else wants to know their purpose. But I finish Uni in 5 Weeks. I don't graduate til next yr but the point is this.

I have done theatre for 5 years, if you include A Level. And now I know if I could get into acting that would be amazing.

But what if I can't... What do i want to do? What is my passion that i could seriously do something with?

Saturday 17 October 2009


I am completely mad when it comes to christmas and i got very excited today cos i found some outfits and other christmas wearables in my room.

I'm hopefully going to be wearing them this christmas :):):)

Wednesday 14 October 2009

Another Day, Another Vlog!

I went to Choi today and one of the guys there has found my Youtube Vlog... MAD! but it's cool cos if i was embarrassed about people i know seeing them then i shouldn't have done it should i?

Lollies... anyways I'm still yet to put some up cos i'm lazy but there shud be some more soon.


Friday 2 October 2009

I finally made my hat!!

I crocheted it myself thanks to a Youtube tutorial and i plan to make a lilac one similar too!!! :)

Upgrade to Internet Explorer 8 Optimised for MSN. Download Now

Tuesday 22 September 2009

22nd September: Youtube Mom?

My Degree

I got a letter today from Uni, basically saying that I do actually have a degree. Most of my friends will know that I thought i had failed. The thing is I only have a BA... Bachelor of Arts... I didn't get my Honours... :(

However... (Yay! *little dance*) I can go and repeat one of my modules in order to recieve them... so tomorrow I'm gonna find out how on earth i do that :)

Short and sweet. Love yas

Clare x

Friday 18 September 2009


So Mr. Wood, my CI, was out tonight and Mr. Stewart took the class. It was a great class. My legs are stressed though. They're not working :( well they are but they hurt so much. I think I need to get an xray or a check up or something just so i know what i'm living with

Love to you all

Clare xxx

Wednesday 16 September 2009

Latest Youtube Video : Choi vlog

Here's my little getting ready for Choi video

I Feel Great

I absolutely had an amazing session today at Choi. Mr. Wood came up to me (he's the Chief Instructor or CI) and said that someone had paid me an amazing compliment. He said that the girlfriend of one of the guys at the Wednesday class (LA Fitness, Longbridge ;)) said that she was so impressed with how i did choi and my teching and stuff. I was like, wow! really, me??? But it was just so great cos then when my mom came to get me she showed her up to the room and sed the same things. She sed she couldn't believe how good i was and how much the guys looked up to me. Being a women in martial arts is kinda unusual i guess.

So that was really great I had a fantastic lesson after that.

XD Clare xxx

Saturday 12 September 2009

Hayley Excitement, Internet Problems and a Mad Rush for Tomorrows Grading

So i wrote a draft script for Hayley B and i'm so excited about it. the provisional title is "The bridesmaid" and as the title would suggest Hayley is vlogging as a bridesmaid. It has her views on the wedding thats taking place and she's getting drunk as she does it. But i'm excited because i suddenly had all these ideas for the dress and her hair and stuff and i just wanted to blog about it. Cos i havent been this excited about a project since "goodnight lucy".

In other news, the grading is tomorrow. as previously discussed it isn't mine. But i have kids work at church that finishes an hour before i have to be at the grading. Dilemma. Anyways it'll be a mad rush but the next horrible thing is my team are playing a derby tomoz (Villa vs Blues) AND... yes there is an AND... The italian grand prix is on while im at the grading :( soooo unfair.

also my internet is playing silly buggers right now. It recently decided to stop completely creating an awful dial tone in the background during phone convos but now that BT have fixed the thing it runs slower than Peter Kay's Mom/Dad Run. Ergh!!

Anyways good bad and ugly news for you there. You decide which was which

Clare xxx

Friday 4 September 2009

My Grading!!!

Remember how i said i'd mentioned it a lot!!

Well, i had it today. YEP! Not on the 13th when i was supposed to. I was in absolute shock and i got worked up and wound up and had an asthma attack.

Apparently it was one of my best gradings, but i was a mess for most of it.

Sooooo i gone done my grading... now the wait for the results


Thursday 3 September 2009

Clare Went Back to Small Group

Hiya Everyone!

So i had a call in the week from a friend at my small group and he offered to give me a lift there and back.

For those who don't know, small group or cell group is a small gathering of people from my church, or any church, and we get together pray worship and similar. Sometimes we just hang out or have socials... which just recently have been so amazingly random but really fun.

So i went tonight and i'm getting myself back on track with God and faith and i hope it goes better this time round, because being lost is so painful.

Tuesday 1 September 2009


It does seem i'm chatting about it a lot but Choi means a lot to me.

That's the site for our school and it has links to the main CKD web pages if you wanna take a ganda and see why i love it so much.

Also I'm on Twitter! so if i don't blog for a while you can catch me there

Glorious :) x <3

Officially less than two weeks.... eeeeekkk!!!

So now that it is september it is officially less than 2 weeks till i have my black belt grading.

And I'm bricking it... or very very scared.

Because I don't feel I know the syllabus well enough. I know i can do it cos i wouldnt be at this level if i couldnt... but it doesnt stop the jitters even when you've done so many already!

Have Choi later today... so wish me luck!


Sunday 30 August 2009

This is me just testing my mms blogging.

This is me just testing my mms blogging. Now i can blog anywhere any time. :)

Been a while...

Well I thought... "It's been ages since i did a blog" So i'll let you in on what i'm up to.

In September (13th) i have my next tag rank grading... and i'm scared honestly i've hardly done any training, i've done no home training so i'm gonna cram it into 2 weeks.

I've totally fallen off the diet so i'm goin to pick it up and maybe losing some weight will help me build my stamina.

In other news... I've been writing scripts for my Youtube Vlog Character, Hayley Beaumont. She has her own channel too... as well as her videos being posted on my channel they'll appear on hers (hers? like she's real)

I had ideas for a fan series of a well known TV show but i'm putting them on hold until late 2010/2011, because of all the work that'll go into Hayley.

So now you are well and truely up to date. I'm going to weigh and measure myself now and start my plan of action... and maybe do some more script writing. :)

Sunday 26 July 2009


Feeling kinda low and unmotivated but i'm determined to turn it around.

I've decided to change my diet and attempt to eat better to lose some weight. I need to exercise more too.

Clare x

Short but sweet and to the point :)

Saturday 4 July 2009

Oops! sorry... and the 3 day diet.

Really sorry! was gonna be daily but it wasn't in the end.

I did it anyways the diet... Mon Tues and Weds.

It went ok i was good... it's after that you're not so gr8. I actually didnt feel hungry a lot of the time and it was very controlled. I knew what to have and i arranged the times pretty evenly from when i woke up.

And i went from 14st 13lb to 14st 8 1/2lb :) :) gonna do it again on mon tues weds :) this week i'll try to be better.

And CHOI! I'm tired so so so tired. I love Choi Kwang Do... it's my world but I'm very exhausted after a 5/6 lesson week for the past 5 months so i thought hmmm might be time to slow down... so my turkey hols come at a good time.

speak soon

love and lipsticks

Clare x

Saturday 27 June 2009

The 3 day diet... because Turkey is in 13 days

Ok so i'm 13 days away from Turkey... sooo i haven't really dieted that well and i've decided on monday i'm going to start the 3 day diet. Then for 4 days i'll be good. Breakfast lunch and dinner and then hopefully i'll do it again on the monday after, and be all ready for my holiday... hopefully i'll lose at least half a stone before i go and then it'll kick start me to diet properly, healthily! I understand however that if it does have effective results, there is a small compulsion to do it more, and i have to remember it's not a healthy diet to do all the time and therefore i shud stick to a healthy "5-a-day-more-water-less-fat-diet" and an "eat-more-good-food-not-eat-less-food-altogether" diet. :)

And i'm hoping that this sticks with me all the time. This mind set i mean... it probably won't and i understand that's human but yes.... I have a drive at this moment in time. But it's 25 minutes past 11 on a Saturday... so it'll probably have fizzled a little by the morning.

My aim is to be at least 2 stone lighter by October and 3 stone for christmas. So that means my Targets are:-

Thursday 1st October = 13st 1lb
Tuesday 1st December = 12 1lb

I need to be focused and dedicated to do this though.

From Monday when i begin the 3 day diet i'll try to blog every day.

Thursday 18 June 2009

I'm so fed up... hate diets!!!

To be honest it's quite ridiculous that i hate them so much... and no amount of "think positive" and "don't think of it as a diet think of it as a health choice" won't change how much i despise it.... I weighed myself n i've put on a lb... and ye ok "it's been a few days" but i'm still annoyed!

Anyways... now I've had chocolate and ruined my day entirely... so i'm gonna try to be good for the rest of it :)

Wednesday 17 June 2009

Testing My Email Blogging

I'm such a novice really when it comes to computers and I got quite excited about the prospect of emailing my blogs lols... don't know why. So this is my test blog. Woop.

Clare x

Tuesday 16 June 2009

The beginning of a new endeavour

On Sunday I had my Il Dan Yellow Stripe grading, or Black belt yellow tag, if i pass i'll get my gold stripe and then i'll train for another 2-3 months for my next grading. This will continue until my EE Dan grading (which is 2nd level black belt). I won't be anywhere near that for 2 - 3 years but it's extremely daunting.

At one point I sat at the back waiting for part of my grading and I watched the EE Dan candidate doing his grading. He was so relaxed and performed the techniques so well and as I watched I thought "there is no way I could do that with my body and health".

So I'm going to do something about it. I'm 21, I weigh 15st 1lb and I've been unhappy with my weight and shape for a while. I have asthma and 2 recurring dislocated knees. By losing some weight and toning up I'll get fitter, it'll improve my asthma and it'll be easier on my knees, because they'll be carrying less weight.

And I'm starting today... initially with food and looking at the exercises I can do, as well as my Choi training to improve my fitness. I have a Choi class tonight so hopefully by eating better it'll affect my energy.

Chat soon... hopefully with good news :)