Sunday 30 August 2009

This is me just testing my mms blogging.

This is me just testing my mms blogging. Now i can blog anywhere any time. :)

Been a while...

Well I thought... "It's been ages since i did a blog" So i'll let you in on what i'm up to.

In September (13th) i have my next tag rank grading... and i'm scared honestly i've hardly done any training, i've done no home training so i'm gonna cram it into 2 weeks.

I've totally fallen off the diet so i'm goin to pick it up and maybe losing some weight will help me build my stamina.

In other news... I've been writing scripts for my Youtube Vlog Character, Hayley Beaumont. She has her own channel too... as well as her videos being posted on my channel they'll appear on hers (hers? like she's real)

I had ideas for a fan series of a well known TV show but i'm putting them on hold until late 2010/2011, because of all the work that'll go into Hayley.

So now you are well and truely up to date. I'm going to weigh and measure myself now and start my plan of action... and maybe do some more script writing. :)